Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What should I pray for?

So I got to thinking again today. What should I really be praying for? And here is where this started. I have been working on this project for the past few days that has been giving me fits. When I got ready to turn the thing in today I was worried and nervous because it's a pretty big job and the info I have on it hasn't been very clear. So I decided to pray about the job and how I was feeling. And then I started thinking about what I was praying about. Should I really be praying about a project I was working on? Should I really be asking God to bless my efforts and give me wisdom in my decisions? Or should my prayers only be for healing and sickness? Or should I pray about everything that goes on in my life? Should I pray for missing car keys? Should I pray for a computer that isn't working right? Should I pray for guidance in my next financial decision? And after pondering this stuff for a while I came to the conclusion of yes. Yes I should pray about all of the mundane things that go on in my life. Yes I should pray about all of the little things that keep me up at night worrying. Because at the end of the day, prayer is really about talking to God. And I think that God wants nothing more than for us to snuggle up in his lap and tell him about our day, tell him all about what's on our minds and especially tell him what's scaring or worrying us.

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